In week 6 we learnt about a different computer programming tool called LOGO. "Logo is a simple computer programming language which can be used to control devices. For example, a small robot known as a turtle can be moved around the floor using logo. Logo is often used with a screen turtle, which is an object on the screen used to simulate how a turtle moves around the floor. There are many commands which can be used to control the turtle." ( To make a line or shape on LOGO, you have to use the following commands together with a numerical value to tell it how much to move or at what degree to turn:
FD - forward BK - back RT - right turn LT - left turn PU - pen up PD - pen down CS - clear screen CT - clear text REPEAT - repeat a command
Pen up and pen down are used when you want to create a new shape alongside the existing one.
I used the commands shown on the image to create a square on the LOGO software.
LOGO is a great computing software to use in a mathematics lesson. This is because children are able to predict what shape will be created if given specific questions. It is also useful for shape and space as well as understanding angles. It is particularly good for understanding angles as each command requires the children to consider angles in order for them to get their desired outcome.
Their are endless activities that can be used when using LOGO. Children can also have a go at creating their own activities for each other. These may include creating different pictures such as different shapes, houses and spirals or it could even be something more challenging like a treasure map or nets for 3D shapes.
Below is a video that demonstrates the never ending possibilities of using LOGO:
For more information about LOGO as well as resources and activities for teachers and students, click here. This should really help when in the classroom.
Below are also some useful websites that can be used when teaching LOGO in the classroom:
You probably never noticed but there are computer programs everywhere we turn. Our washing machines, ovens, microwaves, sat-navs, in our everyday lives we are surrounded by computer programs.
This is why children need to be educated about different programming and they are therefore taught this in the Computing curriculum throughout the different Key Stages.
Children are taught from as early as Key Stage one, they are taught to:
understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
create and debug simple programs
use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
(DfE 2013)
Although these targets seem hard to achieve when in Key Stage one they are achieved in different ways. They learnt through different programable toys such as Bee Bots, Roamer and Pippin. This helps the young children to understand the basics of how computer programs work.
All the different programmable toys have a very simple interface made up of directional arrows (all directions), distance input and a button to make it move. By the children learning and using these buttons they can 'program' their toy to follow a simple set of instructions. This will show an understanding of how there must be a procedure to make things work and shows how programming requires a particular input to get a specific output. In computing terms this involves giving a set of instructions or commands which are then stored by the computers CPU and can be repeatedly implemented upon the users command. Therefore, through using the different programmable toys the children are able to achieve the different targets set in the curriculum.
The video above shows how the Bee Bot works and how this will benefit the children's learning.
When using the Bee Bots children should always be encouraged to investigate and solve simple problems with the toys. By doing this they begin to experience how to 'debug'. Debugging is important as it widen the children's knowledge on programming.
Using Bee Bots and other programmable toys is extremely beneficial as it can be used in different subjects throughout the curriculum e.g. Literacy and Numeracy. Therefore, it is great for Key Stage one as it is cross-curricular.
In Literacy, programmable robots are an excellent and extremely beneficial tool for promoting speaking and listening skills. This is because when used effectively it can really encourage spoken language and can really benefit EAL students in particular.
Bee Bots can also therefore be very beneficial for Numeracy. Valuing the shape and space curriculum is very important within the curriculum. Thinking visually is an important and often neglected dimension of intellectual activity throughout all Key Stages. Bee Bots and other programmable toys encourage children to think visually. Which can help to further the children knowledge and understanding in Numeracy through using different programable toys.
Bee Bots in particular can be used to encourage art and design this is because the children can use their imagination to create covers for the Bee Bots or to even create different maps for them to then have the Bee Bots to follow. Creating these are fun and encourage children to use their imagination. Also by choosing topics such as animals to create covers for the Bee Bots (see picture below) this can link into other Curriculum subjects such as Science as children can create the animals that they may be learning in Science. This again shows how diverse Bee Bots can be.
Below are some useful links to creating exciting and stimulating activities that use programmable toys that are extremely beneficial for Key Stage one students: