Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Week 6: LOGO

In week 6 we learnt about a different computer programming tool called LOGO. "Logo is a simple computer programming language which can be used to control devices. For example, a small robot known as a turtle can be moved around the floor using logo. Logo is often used with a screen turtle, which is an object on the screen used to simulate how a turtle moves around the floor. There are many commands which can be used to control the turtle."


To make a line or shape on LOGO, you have to use the following commands together with a numerical value to tell it how much to move or at what degree to turn:

FD - forward
BK - back
RT - right turn
LT - left turn
PU - pen up
PD - pen down
CS - clear screen
CT - clear text
REPEAT - repeat a command

Pen up and pen down are used when you want to create a new shape alongside the existing one. 

I used the commands shown on the image to create a square on the LOGO software.

LOGO is a great computing software to use in a mathematics lesson. This is because children are able to predict what shape will be created if given specific questions. It is also useful for shape and space as well as understanding angles. It is particularly good for understanding angles as each command requires the children to consider angles in order for them to get their desired outcome.

Their are endless activities that can be used when using LOGO. Children can also have a go at creating their own activities for each other. These may include creating different pictures such as different shapes, houses and spirals or it could even be something more challenging like a treasure map or nets for 3D shapes. 

Below is a video that demonstrates the never ending possibilities of using LOGO:

For more information about LOGO as well as resources and activities for teachers and students, click here. This should really help when in the classroom.

Below are also some useful websites that can be used when teaching LOGO in the classroom:

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